Monday, November 29, 2010

And....a intro

So New Year's is a month away, and that means....New Years Resolutions. That time of the year where we all promise, we WILL change. I have been promising for about a decade now to loose weight. I am 23. Yhea. 
Never happened the way it was supposed to. I did develop a bout of bulimia, even lost allot of weight doing so, but kicked myself in the rear and realized I was a moron. Well this year I am going to be smart. I am getting a head start. Hehehe, you just wished you though of it first.

Any way. Here is my plan. The title of my blog gives the whole thing away actually.

It is a widely held belief that it takes one month to create a good habit and break a bad one. So I am going to break down the weight loss program into one month chunks and tackle it one small step at a time. My goal is to by next New Years have effectively changed my bad habits into good, One month at a time.

In order to break a habit, I believe you must have something to replace the "void" it leaves behind. This provides ample ground for great new habits to take place, but more commonly a even worse habit settles in for its lengthy stay. So I am NOT going to focus on BREAKING habits, at least not yet. I am going to focus all of my attention on CREATING good habits. So for the moment, I don't have to worry about the voids.

So let us look at the tenets of healthy weight loss.

1. You must move that butt! Sitting around all day makes us fat. Sorry people its true, a fact even. Working out is a VITAL part of any weight loss program as well as key in leading a good, happy, long life. I got a kind folks, I kinda want to be around to see great grand kiddies ya know.

2. Become a sponge. Yes I know that to you I make no sense, but my brain is funny that way. Don't care. Any way. Getting enough water is key, ample fluid intake, (water people, not soda) not only keeps you hydrated but flushes out toxins that make us feel like crud (go figure since it IS crud) it makes our sink healthier and also helps control appetite. 

3. Turn off the vacume. It pains me to say, but we eat tooooooo much. Put the fork down. We don't need it. We already had seconds. or was it thirds?

4. Is it GOOD though? Nutrition. Evil word. Well it is important. Eating small morsels of your current junk food is way better than eating the giant ones you did before. BUT junk is junk. Knowing what we are eating is vital.

5. This is my fat book. Well when we are new to this, we are like the newly blind. Lost. Food intake journals are important to see what we are REALLY doing. Opens eyes it does, you can see again. I will not promise what you will see will be pretty though.

Yhea well thats all I have on that. I think that with these rules, one can effect weight loss and learn to maintain a healthy life. I may be wrong. If I am, there is always New Year's 2012.

Okay. So . 

Hear are my rules.

My New Years Resolution is to follow the rules of this blog. <~~~~~that my friends is how you play mind games on your own mind. 

Since I am wanting to loose weight, I will be getting a head start on the first habit I want to create, just to give me a little extra kick in the rear and get motivated for New Years. 

I will work out to a FUN video for 30 mins, 3 times a week minimum, and take a 20 min walk outside, pushing my sons stroller 2 times a week. 

Okay good. I will do this.

I will.

I mean it.

Okay then. 

Now I am going to give for warning here. This blog is not a how to, or a nice follow my story blog. It most likely will loose all sense of "nice" in the coming months. I don't care. I am using this space on the net as my personal bitch space. Get over it.

My goal is to blog this whole darn thing. The ups and downs, and the bitchy. I will not fail, but if I do I want to know why. A record will provide that.

I am also going to use this space to record gross numbers, like my weight. KK then, glad we cleared that up.

Okay so weighing in at.......

Height 5'3
Body Frame: Medium
Weight: 200 even.

In Inches
Bust 48
Chest 41
Arm 12
Waist 46
Hips 41
Thighs 26
Calfs 15

And I can honestly say I have no clue what size clothes I wear. My Shirts are XL to XXL or 16 and up
My pants, well I like stretchy, and have for much to long. the one pair of jeans I have, fall down around my ankles, I THINK they are size 16. Not sure.
I don't do dresses really anymore, hate the way I look too much for them, so no clue.

My goal weight is 130lbs. Or untill I can wear hip jeans with out belly over hang, which ever is first. lol

Okay well that was a MAJOR post, so I am DONE